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Interview with Awani - Notepad with Ibrahim Sani: Muslim inheritance through Islamic fintech

Sedania As Salam tinjau peluang kukuh produk hibah

KUALA LUMPUR: Sedania As Salam Capital Sdn Bhd (Sedania As Salam) melihat peluang pertumbuhan kukuh bagi produk hibah di negara ini berikutan pasaran gadai janji yang besar bernilai kira-kira RM200 bilion.

Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Sedania As Salam, Khairul Nisa Ismail, berkata amalan hibah mampu menyelesaikan pertikaian berkaitan harta pusaka terutama hartanah memandangkan hibah membolehkan seseorang Islam menetapkan agihan hartanya ketika masih hidup, sekali gus dapat menghindarkan daripada berlakunya perbalahan dalam kalangan waris selepas kematian.

"Terdapat aset tidak dituntut bernilai RM90 bilion di Malaysia. Setakat ini, hanya 0.2 peratus daripada populasi orang Islam di Malaysia telah buat hibah, iaitu 0.2 peratus daripada 15 juta (jumlah orang Islam) adalah lebih kurang 30,000 orang.

"Daripada 30,000 orang Islam yang memohon, hanya 2.4 peratus yang telah mendaftarkan hibah mereka dengan Mahkamah Syariah, iaitu seramai 720 orang. Justeru, kami melihat peluang pertumbuhan yang besar bagi produk hibah," katanya ketika dalam satu temu bual bersama BH.

Sedania As Salam menjalin kerjasama strategik dengan Wasiyyah Shoppe Bhd (WSB) pada Mac 2023 sebagai syarikat eksklusif untuk memasarkan produk hibah kepada pelanggan bank dan juga syarikat korporat.

Khairul Nisa berkata, berkata, pada masa ini, pihaknya sedang berunding dengan empat hingga lima institusi perkhidmatan kewangan Islam (FSI) untuk menawarkan produk berkenaan dengan memanfaatkan platform digital.

Beliau berkata, pihaknya bercadang untuk memasukkan hibah dalam produk gadai janji yang ditawarkan FSI sebagai penyelesaian dalam pengagihan harta bagi pelanggan beragama Islam.

Katanya, produk hibah yang ditawarkan adalah menerusi platform digital yang lebih mesra pelanggan dengan akad hibah boleh dibuat secara dalam talian.

Sementara itu, Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif WSB, Ariffin Sabirin, berkata hibah adalah perancangan harta semasa hidup, alternatif yang diberikan dalam Islam mengikut hukum syarak untuk merancang pengagihan harta.

Beliau berkata, jika harta tidak dihibah, ia akan menjadi harta pusaka dan wajib difaraidkan selepas kematian.

Katanya, pelanggan boleh menghibahkan sebarang jumlah aset atau nilai keseluruhannya, justeru, ia berbeza dengan wasiat yang tidak boleh melebihi satu pertiga daripada aset seseorang.

"Apabila berlakunya kematian, semua harta pusaka adalah milik waris mengikut hukum faraid, di mana semua orang mempunyai hak yang berbeza.

"Alternatif lain adalah hibah sebagai penyelesaian, yang dilaksanakan ketika pemilik aset masih hidup. Harta yang dihibahkan itu akan dikecualikan daripada bahagian pusaka," katanya.

Ariffin berkata, hibah boleh dilakukan bagi sebarang jenis aset seperti hartanah, saham syarikat, saham koperasi, barang kemas, koleksi peribadi, kenderaan, ekuiti persendirian dan sebagainya.

Namun, beliau berkata, sepanjang 20 tahun pengalamannya, hibah hartanah adalah paling lazim memandangkan ia agak rumit jika terdapat ramai waris dalam keluarga.

Sedania As Salam adalah anak syarikat milik penuh Sedania Innovator Bhd (SEDANIA), penyedia teknologi yang memperkasakan institusi kewangan dengan penyelesaian teknologi kewangan (fintech) Islam.

Sedania partners Wasiyyah Shoppe to market 'hibah' mortgage solution

SEDANIA As Salam Capital Sdn Bhd, the (financial technology) fintech arm of Sedania Innovator Bhd, has been roped in as Wasiyyah Shoppe Bhd's exclusive partner to introduce "hibah", trust services and other Islamic estate management services to financial services institutions and enterprises.

A memorandum of understanding between the two firms was inked today, following Sedania Innovator's acquisition of 20% interest in Wasiyyah Shoppe announced earlier this month.

Sedania and Wasiyyah Shoppe aim to venture into the RM200 billion Islamic mortgage market and be able to contribute to easing RM70 billion worth of local Muslims' unclaimed assets.

Sedania As Salam Capital CEO Nisa Ismail said the tie-up would introduce a full-fledged digital "hibah" platform that expands awareness of "hibah" as an Islamic estate planning and inheritance solution among the Muslim community and closely liaise with financial services institutions. To date, Sedania has 95 financial services partners under its portfolio.

"Islamic mortgage is just a starting point for us. We will introduce more innovative digital solutions for Wasiyyah Shoppe, which currently offers more than 40 solutions," she said during the signing ceremony, adding that the collaboration will accelerate its market share in Islamic mortgage this year, given only 0.2% of 15 million Malaysian Muslims have executed "hibah" to date.

Wasiyyah Shoppe - a private Shariah-compliant trustee firm - will manage the day-to-day application process, deliver "hibah" services to financial services customers and inheritance beneficiaries, and serve as the point of contact for support and helpdesk-related issues using a newly developed digital platform.

Wasiyyah Shoppe has generated over RM21 million in revenue from the retail industry through its 2,700 active agents. It aims to capitalise on its potential success in Islamic mortgages and expand into other retail banking products soon. Wasiyyah Shoppe currently has 80,000 customers representing assets close to RM60 billion.

Sedania's fintech unit to catalyse Wasiyyah Shoppe's growth prospect

KUALA LUMPUR: Sedania Innovator Bhd's fintech unit Sedania As Salam Capital Sdn Bhd will catalyse Wasiyyah Shoppe Bhd's growth potential by providing innovative digital solutions to financial services institutions (FSIs).

Sedania As Salam chief executive officer Nisa Ismail said it could unleash the potential of Wasiyyah Shoppe's Islamic inheritance solutions via its strong track record built up with 95 FSI partners.

"This collaboration is complementary to Wasiyyah Shoppe and enables it to scale further. As it is, Wasiyyah Shoppe is generating around RM21 million in revenue from the retail market via its 2,700 active agents.

"By granting Sedania As Salam the exclusivity as a corporate partner, we can drive the enterprise and FSI business for Wasiyyah Shoppe," she said in a statement.

Sedania As Salam today signed an agreement with Wasiyyah Shoppe to become its exclusive corporate partner.

This was on the back of the completion of Sedania's 20 per cent stake acquisition in Wasiyyah Shoppe, which is the No. 1 Shariah-compliant trustee in Malaysia, on March 1.

Under the partnership agreement, Sedania As Salam will tap into the burgeoning Islamic mortgage market, estimated at RM200 billion.

The company will introduce a full-fledged end-to-end digital Hibah platform to boost the reach and awareness of Hibah as an Islamic estate planning and inheritance solution among the Muslim community.

Sedania As Salam said together with Wasiyyah Shoppe, it could play its part in helping the nation tackle the rising unclaimed assets belonging to local Muslims totalling some RM70 billion.

According to Nissa, the company would introduce more innovative digital solutions for Wasiyyah Shoppe, which now offered more than 40 solutions.

She expects to garner a huge piece of the Islamic mortgage pie this year as only 0.2 per cent of 15 million Malaysian Muslims have executed Hibah to date.

Wasiyyah Shoppe chief executive officer Ariffin Sabirin said by leveraging Sedania As Salam's strong relationship with Malaysian FSIs, the company can unlock vast possibilities for Muslims to safeguard their wealth and receive full-fledged inheritance facilitation for their named beneficiaries.

"With the combined capabilities of an established digital platform provider and a leading trustee company, we can also build on any potential success from Islamic mortgage and expand further towards providing Hibah for other retail banking products in the near future," said Ariffin.

PODCAST: Sedania As Salam Capital and Wasiyyah Shoppe to launch embedded digital estate planning solution in Q1

Estate planning is a major challenge in Malaysia, with the upper bound of frozen assets in the country estimated at RM90 billion (US$19.36 billion). ISFI spoke to Ariffin Sabirin, the founder of Wasiyyah Shoppe, and Khairul Nisa Ismail, CEO of Sedania As Salam Capital, about how they are collaborating to address the estate planning challenge for Muslims with the Hibah instrument.

The two entities are set to launch the digital Hibah solution 'JOMHIBAH' in Q1 this year. This will see partner financial institutions and enterprises embed the solution in their financing products, allowing Muslims to designate who they would like to gift the asset to. The partner institution may also provide financing to cover the cost of the embedded Hibah estate planning solution.

The deed for the asset will be transferred upon the asset owner’s demise, allowing the ‘Hibah-ed’ asset to be excluded from the estate asset pool, which is required to be distributed according to Islamic inheritance law, or Faraid law.

Sedania As Salam Capital, which is the fintech arm of Malaysia-based Sedania Innovator, announced its partnership with Wasiyyah Shoppe, a Muslim wills solution provider, for the digital Hibah project in March last year. The announcement followed Sedania Innovator’s acquisition of a 20% stake in Wasiyyah Shoppe shortly prior.

Khairul Nisa sees a specific use case for the solution in the Malaysian mortgage market. Roughly 75% of the contributions are from Muslims, she explained.

“These are all ownership of houses and assets … Only 0.2% of Muslims in Malaysia have done Hibah [for estate planning]. How about the 99.8% remainder? We feel that we have been called upon [to address this],” Khairul Nisa told ISFI.

Under Faraid law, the distribution of a Muslim’s estate is explicitly detailed, leaving limited room for flexibility. The multiple heirs that Faraid law mandates make provisions for, including spouses, children, parents and siblings, can hinder the efficiency of estate distribution due to the opacity of the distribution process and disagreements over the nominated administrator of the will, among others.

Arguably more significantly, the proportion of estate distribution to specific legal heirs, as well as the classification of who constitutes a legal heir, is another limitation that would hinder a person’s ability to, for example, make provisions in their will to have their estate equally divided among their adopted and biological sons and daughters.

The concept of Hibah, or gift, has been innovated upon to address these challenges. In the context of estate planning, the Hibah instrument is used to designate an asset to a beneficiary thereby bypassing the Faraid process. As there are no limitations on who a person can gift an asset to, nor is there a limitation on the size of a gift from a legal perspective, this awards the individual the ability to designate their assets as they personally see fit.

Notably, the Hibah instrument for estate planning is controversial and not universally accepted. This is due to the reimagining of the Hibah concept such that it no longer conforms to the classical definition and conditions of the instrument. Additionally, the intent to bypass explicit junctures pertaining to estate distribution raises the question of whether it constitutes legal trickery.

In Malaysia, Hibah for estate planning has been accepted by the Shariah court, which has jurisdiction over Muslim family law. Wasiyyah Shoppe obtained its first Shariah Court Hibah Order from the Alor Setar Shariah High Court in 2005.

According to Ariffin, entities from several other jurisdictions are also eyeing the digital Hibah estate planning solution.

"The last 12 months or so have been very interesting because we had enquiries from countries like Brunei, Indonesia, Oman and GCC countries.

"Initial talks have started. God willing, Insha Allah, in another 12 months or maybe less we can see some results there," Ariffin shared.

These upcoming partnerships abroad will continue to take the format of a joint effort between Sedania As Salam Capital and Wasiyyah Shoppe, Khairul Nisa shared.


Sedania santuni ibu tunggal, anak yatim, tingkatkan kesedaran hibah

PETALING JAYA – Sedania Innovator Berhad (Sedania) menyantuni sejumlah 60 ibu tunggal dan anak-anak yatim sekali gus memberikan pendedahan tentang kepentingan hibah dalam satu majlis berbuka puasa, di sini, hari ini.

Program yang berlangsung setiap tahun itu adalah hasil dedikasi pihak Kumpulan untuk pemerkasaan wanita dan menghargai pengorbanan ibu-ibu tunggal khususnya mereka yang berusaha untuk mencari rezeki buat keluarga.

Pengarah Urusan Kumpulan, Datuk Azrin Mohd. Noor berkata, institusi kekeluargaan merupakan tunjang utama dalam kalangan masyarakat yang perlu diperkukuhkan demi melahirkan generasi yang berkualiti.

"Bagi menunaikan ibadah puasa di bulan Ramadan ini, kami tidak melupakan tanggungjawab sosial korporat (CSR) kami untuk menghulurkan bantuan kepada mereka yang memerlukan.

"Di samping itu kami juga dapat membantu mengeratkan silaturahim antara komuniti dan ibu-ibu tunggal," katanya ketika berucap pada Majlis Ramadan Iftar Sedania, di Kampung Sungai Penchala, di sini, hari ini.

Majlis tersebut disertai ibu-ibu tunggal dan anak-anak yatim dari Persatuan Ibu Tunggal Bandar Tun Razak, Pertubuhan Ibu Tunggal Kebangsaan Malaysia Parlimen Kelana Jaya dan Persatuan Anak Yatim dan Ibu Tunggal Nur Hikmah.

Dalam majlis yang sama, Kumpulan juga melancarkan 'Sedania Extended Family Programme' dengan memberi peluang kepada semua kakitangan untuk menjadi keluarga angkat kepada anak-anak yatim dan asnaf.

Dalam pada itu, program ini juga menekankan tentang kepentingan hibah dalam memastikan kestabilan kewangan dan masa depan yang lebih terjamin bagi meneruskan kesinambungan hidup bersama anak-anak.

Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Sedania As Salam Capital, Khairul Nisa Ismail berkata, program ini salah satu medium untuk mengukuhkan komitmen dalam pendidikan dan pemahaman yang lebih mendalam tentang potensi hibah.

Ujarnya, hibah bukan sekadar meninggalkan harta pusaka mahupun legasi, tetapi memberi ketenangan dan dapat mengelakkan perselisihan sesama ahli keluarga.

"Dengan ilmu yang betul dan persiapan yang teliti, setiap wanita boleh menjadi pelindung kepada anak-anaknya dan merancang masa depan keluarga dengan lebih bertanggungjawab.

"Kami juga ingin menegaskan betapa pentingnya hibah sebagai instrumen perancang kewangan yang efektif dalam menjaga keharmonian keluarga, khususnya para ibu tunggal supaya dapat membesarkan anak-anak mereka dengan lebih stabil.

"Jika tiada persediaan awal, kemungkinan nasib mereka tidak terbela dan sering kali terabai disebabkan kekangan kewangan," katanya. – KOSMO! ONLINE.

Awareness Level of Hibah Among Women and the Important Practice of Hibah for Family Sustainability

PETALING JAYA, April 1, 2024 - In conjunction with the Ramadan iftar celebration, Sedania Innovator Berhad ('SEDANIA' or 'Group') and its wholly-owned subsidiary, SEDANIA As Salam Capital, organized a knowledge-sharing session to highlight the importance of hibah, particularly among women and single mothers. The SEDANIA Ramadan Iftar event was held in collaboration with members of Persatuan Ibu Tunggal Bandar Tun Razak, Pertubuhan Ibu Tunggal Kebangsaan Malaysia Parlimen Kelana Jaya and Persatuan Anak Yatim & Ibu Tunggal Nur Hikmah.

The SEDANIA Ramadan Iftar, an annual program held at Villa Zamara, Kg. Sungai Penchala, Selangor, reflects the Group's dedication to empowering women, recognizing the sacrifices of single mothers in raising their children, especially those striving to ensure the family's livelihood. The program also emphasizes the importance of hibah in ensuring financial stability and a more secure future for continuing life with children. "Institution of the family is the cornerstone of our society. As we observe the fast in Ramadan, we do not forget our CSR responsibility to extend assistance to those in need, while also fostering ties with the single mothers' community," said Datuk Azrin Mohd Noor, CEO of SEDANIA.

The SEDANIA Ramadan Iftar program is a collaboration with the Rosni Noor Foundation in welcoming Ramadan with orphaned children from the Baitul Fitrah Orphanage Home. Puan Nisa Ismail, CEO of SEDANIA As Salam Capital, stated, "The SEDANIA Ramadan Iftar program is a medium to strengthen our commitment to education and deeper understanding of the potential of hibah as a strategic mitigation step before anything happens to the head of the family. Hibah is not just leaving an inheritance or legacy, but it brings peace and can prevent disputes among family members. With proper knowledge and careful preparation, every woman can become a protector of her children and plan the future of her family more responsibly."Nisa added, "With the estimated frozen asset value of inheritance among the Muslim community reaching RM90 billion, we hope this effort will benefit and raise awareness about the importance of hibah among women and single mothers for the sustainability and better future. Every initiative we undertake is a step towards building a community that prioritizes women's rights, becoming more compassionate individuals, and caring for each other for the integrity of the family institution."

"We also want to emphasize how important hibah is as an effective financial planning instrument in maintaining family harmony, especially for single mothers to raise their children more stably. Without early preparation, their fate may not be defended and often neglected due to financial constraints. "In addition, we are committed to showing that hibah is not just a legacy or family inheritance, but also ensures the welfare and future of children raised by single mothers to enjoy learning and self-development like other children." Tuan Haji Ariffin Sabirin, CEO of Wasiyyah Shoppe Berhad, said, "As experts in estate planning according to Islamic law, we at Wasiyyah Shoppe place great emphasis on the importance of hibah as a tool for protecting the future of families, especially for women, wives, and single mothers."

As the exclusive business partner of SIB for hibah products, Wasiyyah Shoppe recently obtained approval from the Syariah High Court of Johor for the approval of the world's first paperless hibah deed mobile app. This approval is a Landmark Case (also the first case) in Malaysia because it proves that digital hibah deeds without paper can be accepted as valid and enforceable hibah deeds according to Islamic law. With this, the process of adapting digital hibah can be expanded and accelerated among the Muslim community and also help reduce the value of frozen assets or inheritances in Malaysia. This development will also enhance the Group's financial performance in the near future.

In addition to the knowledge-sharing session, the SEDANIA Ramadan Iftar program also celebrated 30 orphans from Rumah Anak Yatim Baitul Fitrah in close cooperation with the Yayasan Rosni Noor, to share love and compassion together in this holy and blessed month. In line with the core value of family, the Group also launched the "SEDANIA Extended Family Programme" to give all SEDANIA employees the opportunity to become foster families for orphans and beneficiaries. This effort marks the beginning where all SEDANIA employees can provide support and shape positive lives for these orphaned children.

Finally, many thanks to Neoliner Sdn Bhd, who sponsored transportation for single mothers' associations to attend the event safely.

About SEDANIA Innovator Berhad ("SIB")
SIB is an investment holding company focusing on sustainability businesses. Since its listing in 2015 on the ACE Market of Bursa Malaysia, the Group has invested in innovative businesses that contribute to sustainability and carbon reduction, thus contributing to a greener economy.

The Group is driven by its core business in sustainable consumer goods and services, consumer-centric: Offspring Inc Sdn Bhd, Tanamera Group Sdn Bhd, and SEDANIA As Salam Capital Sdn Bhd (SASC).

Offspring, a sustainable health product, offers a variety of products with over 170 SKU made from environmentally friendly materials and biodegradable packaging available on three international continents.

Tanamera sets standards in premium, natural personal care by blending Asian traditions with ecologically tropical herbs to serve customers at an international level.

SASC, a leader in the digital financial revolution, encompasses nearly 95 financial service institutions with innovative FinTech solutions and the GoHalal Financing Program to enhance financial inclusivity and well-being.

These core pillars emphasize SEDANIA's steadfast commitment to innovation, sustainability, and the provision of consumer-centric goods and services.

To learn more about Sedania's innovations and offerings, please visit:

About Yayasan Rosni Noor
A Welfare Organization and Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) dedicated to providing financial assistance and supporting comprehensive development for three main categories: orphans, children of single mothers in need, and disadvantaged communities including converts (those who have newly embraced Islam).


'Know your rights', Sedania stresses importance of women having financial literacy

KUALA LUMPUR - In raising awareness on women empowerment and financial literacy, Sedania As Salam Capital Sdn Bhd (Sedania As Salam) chief executive officer (CEO) Khairul Nisa Ismail stresses the importance of women knowing their rights.

As a woman, she said it was essential to continue the legacy by practicing prudent saving, investing and engaging in effective estate planning.

This, she said, included understanding what assets to distribute.

"My advice is, no matter what you are as a woman, working or not, married or not, divorced or not, we need to plan our lives from the financial aspect and keep in mind that our assets need to be monitored and that we need to know our rights as women and have educational awareness towards financial literacy and our legacy," she said at a Ramadan iftar programme held at Villa Zamara, Kampung Sungai Penchala, here yesterday.

Nisa said Sedania will soon launch a new product called "Jom Hibah" which aimed at assisting customers, especially women, with estate planning.

"The Jom Hibah service offers interested customers assistance in estate planning, especially for women who may not be fully aware of their rights in this area.

"Through the hibah instrument, I feel like the legacies of the orphans are taken care of and provide single mothers with stable support as they pursue their careers," she said.

Meanwhile, Sedania Innovator Bhd managing director Datuk Azrin Mohd Noor said Jom Hibah will be introduced in collaboration with banks in Malaysia.

He said discussions were being held to finalise the service soon.

He added that the distinction between Jom Hibah and that of other insurance providers lies in Sedania's recognition that relying solely on company-offered insurance or going through insurance agents may be inadequate.

"With us, partnerships are forged with enterprises and banks, which serve as providers.

"We are more excited about working with other enterprises that involve children since we support their rights as well as single mothers.

"We are going to sign with our very first bank soon," he told reporters who were at the event," he told reporters at the event.

The event was also attended by orphans from Baitul Fitrah and 30 single mothers from Persatuan Ibu Tunggal Bandar Tun Razak, Persatuan Anak Yatim & Ibu Tunggal Nur Hikmah and Pertubuhan Ibu Tunggal Kebangsaan Malaysia Parlimen Kelana Jaya.

On the psychological aspect, family counsellor Adlil Rajiah shared how to have financial confidence as well as how to support others with financial problems.

She said it was common for people to express that they did not have money, not necessarily to request for money, but to seek support because they felt isolated with their problem.

"Our responsibility is to support them and ensure they don't feel alone. Additionally, individuals should strive to boost their confidence by validating themselves and refrain from comparing their circumstances to others, as every struggle is valid.

"The environment shapes you and when someone is depressed, they need to check their environment," she said.

Adlil added that to avoid feeling overwhelmed by one's problems, it was essential to address and reevaluate unprocessed emotions, preventing bottled-up feelings from causing further issues.

She said staying connected with reality was also crucial and this starts with ensuring that one is living in a good environment.

Sedania bakal perkenal hibah digital, lindungi masa depan isteri, keluarga

PETALING JAYA – Sedania Innovator Berhad (Sedania) bakal memperkenalkan edisi produk digital hibah dengan memeterai kerjasama bersama beberapa pihak bank dan perusahaan bagi membantu melindungi masa depan golongan isteri.

Pengarah Urusan Kumpulan, Datuk Azrin Mohd. Noor berkata, setakat ini hanya 0.2 peratus dalam kalangan masyarakat Islam yang cakna, manakala 99.8 peratus lagi kurang ilmu atau pengetahuan tentang kepentingan dan manfaat hibah.

Ujar beliau, dengan nilai aset harta pusaka terbeku dalam kalangan masyarakat Islam yang dianggarkan mencecah RM90 bilion, perkara ini adalah masalah ekonomi sosial yang semakin meruncing.

"Senario biasa, bila suami meninggal dunia secara tiba-tiba, isteri terpaksa mencari jalan bagaimana nak mencairkan aset-aset suami untuk teruskan hidup bagi membesarkan anak-anak.

"Sebelum ni suami kalau nak pinjam duit dekat bank untuk pembiayaan rumah, perlu ada Jaminan Tempoh Pengurangan Gadai Janji dengan syarikat insurans bagi memastikan pinjaman dengan pihak bank langsai.

"Tapi bila suami langgan produk digital hibah kami melalui pihak bank dan jika sesuatu berlaku pada suami, kami akan pastikan sepenuh hak milik itu pergi kepada isteri atau anak-anak mengikut kehendak suami, tidak seperti wasiat. Maka kelangsungan hidup keluarga itu terjaga walaupun suami dah tiada," katanya.

Beliau berkata demikian ketika berucap pada Majlis Ramadan Iftar Sedania bersama ibu-ibu tunggal dan anak-anak yatim di Kampung Sungai Penchala, di sini kelmarin.

Bertanyakan bilakah pelancaran dan kerjasama dengan sebuah bank tersebut bakal berlangsung, Azrin berkata pihaknya akan mengumumkannya tidak lama lagi.

"Buat masa ini, hanya kami satu-satunya syarikat yang ada kerjasama sebegini. Kami akan lancarkannya tidak lama lagi melalui perusahaan dan bank.

"Kemudian, pihak bank yang akan sediakan pembiayaan kewangan untuk hibah kepada pelanggan. Bila anda pergi ke bank untuk pinjam duit atau beli hartanah, bank akan tawarkan produk digital hibah bercagar kami.

"Kami berasa teruja untuk bekerja dengan bank, pemaju hartanah, pengeluar kereta untuk memastikan bahawa apabila sesuatu berlaku kepada suami atau keluarga terutamanya anak-anak kecil, masa depan mereka dapat dilindungi," katanya. – KOSMO! ONLINE